Library Conventions | KiCad EDA
Version 3.0.50
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G1 General Guidelines
G1.1 Only standard characters are used for naming libraries and components
G1.10 Embedding files
G1.2 Withdrawn
G1.3 Libraries are organized by functionality
G1.4 English language should be used throughout libraries
G1.5 Plural naming is to be avoided
G1.6 Capitalization conventions
G1.7 Library files use Unix style line endings
G1.8 Contributions to the official library must be made using the current stable version
G1.9 Dimensional units
G2 Generic and Fully Specified Symbols
G2.1 Definition of terms: Generic and fully specified symbols
G3 Special Pin Numbering
G3.1 Relays
G3.2 Audio Connectors
S1 Symbol Libraries
S1.1 Symbol libraries should be categorized by function
S2 Symbol Naming
S2.1 General symbol naming guidelines
S2.2 Non-functional variations in part number should be replaced with wildcard
S2.3 Where parts are available in multiple footprint options, a separate symbol must be drawn for each footprint
S3 General Symbol Requirements
S3.1 Origin is centered on the middle of the symbol
S3.2 Text fields should use a common text size of 50mils
S3.3 Symbol outline and fill requirements
S3.4 Symbols with complex functionality may incorporate simple functional diagrams
S3.5 Pin connection points must be placed outside of the symbol
S3.6 Pin name position offset
S3.7 Pin numbering for specialized pads
S3.8 Multi unit symbols
S3.9 De-Morgan representation
S4 Pin Requirements
S4.1 General pin requirements
S4.2 Pins should be grouped by function
S4.3 Rules for pin stacking
S4.4 Pin electrical type
S4.5 Pins not connected on the footprint may be omitted from the symbol
S4.6 Hidden pins
S4.7 Active low pins should be designated using a bar above the symbol name
S5 Footprint Association
S5.1 Symbols with a default footprint link to a valid footprint file
S5.2 Footprint filters must match all appropriate footprints. They should be designed to result in no false suggestions.
S6 Symbol Metadata
S6.1 Component Reference Designator (RefDes)
S6.2 Symbol fields and metadata filled out as required
S7 Special Symbols
S7.1 Power symbols
S7.2 Graphical symbols
F1 Footprint Libraries
F1.1 Footprint libraries are categorized by function
F1.2 Connector footprint libraries
F2 General Footprint Naming Guidelines
F2.1 General footprint naming conventions
F2.2 Footprint naming field prefixes
F2.3 Manufacturer specific version of generic footprints
F2.4 Footprint naming for non-standard pin numbering
F2.5 Footprint naming conventions for specific components
F3 Specific Naming Conventions
F3.1 SMD chip package naming conventions
F3.2 Resistor naming conventions
F3.3 Capacitor naming conventions
F3.4 SMD IC package naming conventions
F3.5 THT IC package naming conventions
F3.6 Connector naming conventions
F3.7 Fuse naming conventions
F4 General Footprint Requirements
F4.1 Datasheet recommendations take priority
F4.2 Pin 1 should be located at the top left
F4.3 Connected copper elements have the same pad number
F4.4 Thermal pads
F4.5 Specifying footprint keepout areas
F4.6 Local clearance and settings should be set to zero
F5 Layer Requirements
F5.1 Silkscreen layer requirements
F5.2 Fabrication layer requirements
F5.3 Courtyard layer requirements
F5.4 Elements on the graphic layer should not overlap
F6 Surface Mount Components
F6.1 Footprint component type must be set to surface mount
F6.2 Footprint anchor should be placed in the middle of the component body
F6.3 Pad requirements for SMD footprints
F7 Through Hole Components
F7.1 Footprint placement type must be set to Through Hole
F7.2 Footprint anchor should placed at the location of Pin-1
F7.3 Pin 1 should be rectangular or a rounded rectangle. Other pads circular or oval
F7.4 Pad requirements for THT footprints
F7.5 Minimum annular ring width
F7.6 THT hole diameter
F7.7 Oval holes (plated milled slots)
F8 Component types
F8.1 Non SMD/THT components
F9 Footprint Properties
F9.1 Footprint meta-data is filled in as appropriate
F9.2 Footprint properties are as default values unless otherwise required in datasheet
F9.3 Footprint 3D model requirements
M1 Contributing Models
M1.2 The contributor must own the rights to share the 3D model
M1.2 Withdrawn
M1.3 Source files for 3D models must be supplied
M2 3D File Requirements
M2.1 3D models must be supplied in both 'step' and 'wrl' formats
M2.2 Model alignment and scaling
M2.3 Freecad is the preferred design tool