Library Conventions | KiCad EDA

Version 3.0.43

Library maintainer rules & guidelines

F3.7 Fuse naming conventions

The following footprint naming conventions should be used as examples for naming fuse and fuse holder footprints.

If you do not find an appropriate convention that matches a particular footprint type, either contact the KiCad library team or try to match a convention set by existing library components.

In the entries below, variable fields are denoted as follows:

- Fixed fields
- Mandatory fields
- Optional fields

Fuse Holders

FuseHolder_[Fuse Type]_[MAN]_[Series]_[MPN]_[Modifiers]_[Orientation]_[Options]
  • Fuse Type - Type of fuse (Optional)
  • MAN - Manufacturer name (Optional)
  • Series - Manufacturer series name (Optional)
  • MPN - Manufacturer part number (Optional)
  • Modifiers - Footprint modifiers if non-standard (Optional)
  • Orientation - Orientation of fuse, if multiple orientations are available (Optional)
  • Options - Extra footprint options (Optional)



Examples of Fuse Type field:

  • Automotive fuses:

    • Automotive-Micro2

    • Automotive-Micro3

    • Automotive-LowProfile

    • Automotive-Mini

    • Automotive-ATO

    • Automotive-Maxi

    • Automotive-Bosch

    • Automotive-SFE-[SizeCode]

  • Industrial fuses

    • Cylinder-[diameter]x[length]mm


Cylindrical Fuse

Fuse_[MAN]_[Series]_[MPN]_[Body size]_[Modifiers]_[Orientation]_[Options]
  • MAN - Manufacturer name (Optional)
  • Series - Manufacturer series name (Optional)
  • MPN - Manufacturer part number (Optional)
  • Body size - Major fuse dimensions
  • Modifiers - Footprint modifiers if non standard (Optional)
  • Orientation - Orientation of fuse, if multiple orientations are available (Optional)
  • Options - Extra footprint options (Optional)



Rectangular SMD Fuses

Fuse_[Imperial size]_[Metric size]Metric_[Modifiers]_[Orientation]_[Options]
  • Imperial size - Imperial case size (Optional)
  • Metric size - Metric case size (Optional)
  • Modifiers - Footprint modifiers if non standard (Optional)
  • Orientation - Orientation with respect to board plane (Optional)
  • Options - Footprint options (Optional)

