Library Conventions | KiCad EDA

Version 3.0.50

Library maintainer rules & guidelines

F3.6 Connector naming conventions

The following footprint naming conventions should be used as examples for naming connector footprints.

If you do not find an appropriate convention that matches a particular footprint type, either contact the KiCad library team or try to match a convention set by existing library components.

In the entries below, variable fields are denoted as follows:

- Fixed fields
- Mandatory fields
- Optional fields

Conventions for Connectors

Connector footprints are extremely diverse and the naming conventions for connectors can be complicated. This section details some examples of naming schemes for various connector types. While there are variations between connectors, the general format for naming connectors is as follows:

[Series]_[Subseries]-[Pins]_[MPN]_[Pin layout]_P[Pitch]_[Modifiers]_[Orientation]_[Options]
  • Series - Generic series name (Optional)
  • Subseries - Series secondary identifier (Optional)
  • Pins - Pin count (Optional)
  • MPN - Manufacturer specific identifier (Optional)
  • Pin layout - Pin configuration, specific to connector type (Optional)
  • Pitch - Pin pitch, if not implied by connector standard (Optional)
  • Modifiers - Modifiers to connector specifications (pad size, etc) (Optional)
  • Orientation - Orientation of connector relative to board (Optional)
  • Options - Extra footprint options (Optional)


  1. [Series] - a versatile field which could contain:

    • Functional description (e.g. USB)

    • Connector type (e.g. PinHeader or TerminalBlock)

    • Industry standard (e.g. DSUB-15)

    • Manufacturer specific series (e.g. Hirose_DF13)

  2. [MPN] (manufacturer part number) - uniquely identifies a connector according to that manufacturer’s internal naming conventions

  3. [Pin layout] - dependent on the connector type

    • Single row connectors: 1x[number of pins]

    • Multi row connectors with equal number of pins in each row: [number of rows]x[number of pins per row]

    • Other connectors: [number of rows]Rows_[number of pins overall]Pins

    • Connectors for standardized interfaces do not need to include the pin configuration information (e.g. USB)

  4. Number format:

    • [number of rows] number of rows no leading zero.

    • [number of pins per row] and [number of pins] two digit number with leading zero. (can have more digits for connectors with > 99 pins)

  5. [Pitch] - if the connector standard does not imply the pin pitch, then this field is required

  6. [Modifiers] - multiple fields may be added here, detailing modifications or devations from the standard footprint design. Examples include:

    • Pad size variation

    • Drill size variation

  7. [Orientation] - The orientation of the connector with reference to the board plane

  1. [Options] - Extra footprint options

In addition to these conventions, additional schemes are employed for specific connector types - these are detailed below.

Connectors for Specific Functions

Many connectors are designed for specific functions (e.g. USB, HDMI, SD-Card, etc). In these cases, specific naming conventions should be followed:

  • Function - Functional purpose of the connector
  • Standard - Standard to which the connector complies, if applicable (Optional)
  • Size - Connector size (e.g. Micro/Mini) (Optional)
  • Type - Connector sub-type (e.g. A/B/C) (Optional)
  • MAN - Manufacturer name (Optional)
  • MPN - Manufacturer part number (Optional)
  • Modifiers - Footprint modifiers (Optional)
  • Orientation - Connector orientation (Optional)
  • Options - Extra footprint options (Optional)




  1. Some examples of functional connector naming are provided below:

    • USB_Micro-B_Wuerth_614105150721_Vertical_CircularHoles

    • HDMI_Micro-D_Molex_46765-2x0x

    • MicroSD_Wuerth_WR-CRD_693072010801

  2. In most cases, pin layout does not need to be explicitly specified

Connectors with Standardised Shape

Many connectors are provided by multiple manufacturers in an industry standard package or physical layout. These connectors should use the accepted industry naming at the beginning of the footprint name:

[Standard]-[Pins]_[Series modifier]_[MAN]_[Series]_[MPN]_[Pin layout]_P[Pitch]_[Modifiers]_[Orientation]_[Options]
  • Standard - Generic connector standard (see notes below)
  • Pins - Number of pins
  • Series modifier - Series Modifier (see notes below)
  • MAN - Manufacturer name (Optional)
  • Series - Manufacturer series name (Optional)
  • MPN - Manufacturer part number (Optional)
  • Pin layout - Pin configuration, if not fully defined by applicable standard (Optional)
  • Pitch - Pin pitch, if not fully defined by applicable standard (Optional)
  • Modifiers - Footprint modifier field(s) (Optional)
  • Orientation - Connector orientation (if multiple options exist) (Optional)
  • Options - Extra footprint options (Optional)




  1. The generic connector type [Standard] defines the shape of the connector

    • e.g. DSUB Tab Circular

Generic Connector Types

Examples of generic arrayed connectors:

  • PinHeader

  • PinSocket

  • TerminalBlock

[Connector type]_[MPN]_[Pin layout]_P[Pitch]_[Modifiers]_[Orientation]_[Options]
  • Connector type - Generic connector style (see notes below)
  • MPN - Manufacturer specific identifier (Optional)
  • Pin layout - Pin configuration layout (see notes below)
  • Pitch - Pin pitch
  • Modifiers - Modifiers to connector specifications (pad size, etc) (Optional)
  • Orientation - Orientation of connector relative to board
  • Options - Extra footprint options (Optional)



Manufacturer Specific Connectors

Manufacturer series connectors are those which are particular to a particular manufacturer standard.

[MAN]_[Series]_[MPN]_[Pin layout]_P[Pitch]_[Modifiers]_[Orientation]_[Options]
  • MAN - Manufacturer name (Optional)
  • Series - Manufacturer series name
  • MPN - Manufacturer part number
  • Pin layout - Pin layout information (see notes below)
  • Pitch - Pad pitch
  • Modifiers - Modifiers to connector specifications (pad size, etc)
  • Orientation - Direction of connector insertion relative to board plane
  • Options - Extra footprint options (Optional)




  1. If the footprint is located in a library dedicated to a single manufacturer, then the MAN prefix is not required