Library Conventions | KiCad EDA

Version 3.0.49

Library maintainer rules & guidelines

G3.2 Audio Connectors

Audio jacks have specific pin names which are industry-standard and broadly understood. By giving the symbols and footprint the same generic pin names, a single generic symbol can be used for a variety of footprints without needing many manufacturer-specific symbols.

  • The basic pin names are "T" (tip), "R" (ring), and "S" (sleeve). "R" is used for stereo or balanced systems and is not always present.

  • Multiple ring connections may be used, and in that case they are named "R#" where "#" is a number starting at 1, with "R1" closest to "T". See AudioJack5 for a symbol with three ring terminals.

  • Some pins may be "normalled" (or switched) meaning signal flows through the connector when no jack is inserted, and the signal path is broken and re-directed from the jack when it is inserted. The normalled pins are given a suffix "N" after the name of the pin they switch. `AudioJack4_SwitchTR1' shows the "T" and "R" pins being switched.

Footprints covered by this rule should not have a polarity/pin1 marking. This overrides the F5.1 rule.

Note that XLR connectors have standard pin names of 1, 2, and 3. Combination jacks will when use both letters and numbers. An example of this symbol is XLR3_AudioJack3_Combo.
