Library Conventions | KiCad EDA

Version 3.0.48

Library maintainer rules & guidelines

G1.9 Dimensional units

  1. When specifying a dimension (e.g. in a footprint name) the units must always be provided:

    • 3mm - millimeters

    • 1in - inches

  2. When specifying areas or volumes, the coordinate order is X-Y[-Z], which is equivalent to width-height[-thickness].

  3. When specifying multidimensional units (e.g. width x height x thickness) then the units only need to be appended once

    • 3x4x7mm - 3mm x 4mm x 7mm

  4. Metric units are preferred, where appropriate

  5. Linear dimensions should be specified in millimeters

  6. Angular dimensions should be specified in degrees

  7. Temperature should be specified in degrees Celsius